This video titled “D R E A M” is the first time Opunake High School has had a student submit their photography work this way, it was shot & edited entirely by Marcel – enjoy, and DREAM exactly where you are right now.
Growing good people for a rapidly changing world
Deliver modern and interesting teaching and learning programmes
Provide a safe, restorative and positive school environment
Promote a culture of achievement by exceeding expectations and meeting individual needs
Build effective and positive relationships within the school and community
Build self-pride and pride in the school
Meeting the needs of our environment
There's just a few days left until Centenary Ticket Sales close.
Use the QR Code or head to Eventbrite and search "Opunake High School"
#opunake #opunake💯
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We were asked about Māori NCEA achievement for 2024.
Heres our stats.
Pretty much the same-same as our overall stats, but a much wider difference to the national averages for Māori tauira.
Māori achieving as māori, everybody achieving.
Ka rawe.
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It’s very gratifying to see the learning philosophies that were introduced have continued to bear such good fruit. Dave Nic would be so proud! Kia kaha OHS
Well Done 👏 👏👏👍
You know we're big time when we're on the billboards in New #opunake!You know w##opunakes #opunake💯 ... See MoreSee Less
Ticket sales end in a week (14 Feb)! Secure yours today:
Pity there weren’t more around the country side
Looking forward to seeing all our tauira back on-site Friday 7th.
Please meet in the hall at 9am for our Success Iwi.
(Year 13s in front row, Y11&12 in front bays, Y9&10 at back)
As always expectation is to be in correct uniform. Phones need to be away for the day.
Timetabled classes commence from Period 3 (11.30am)
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This video titled “D R E A M” is the first time Opunake High School has had a student submit their photography work this way, it was shot & edited entirely by Marcel – enjoy, and DREAM exactly where you are right now.